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Database Schema

Our Database Schema was very simple and straightforward.  We created a central Folder called it: [Ethiopia Reprojected WGS84].  In this folder, we collected and reprojected all the data we would use for this Project.  Because we only created a few files of our own, it was effortless to use a clear-cut naming scheme within the [Ethiopia Reprojected WGS84] Folder, for example: we created several shapefiles from the eth_towns file we were given for this Project, and named them accordingly.  The 4 Clipped out Land Cover Images ( Study Area 2001, Study Area 2004, BMNP 2001, and BMNP 2004) were also placed within the Reprojected Folder. Once Compiled, we Illustrated the differences between the Land Cover Images in a series of Maps shown in the Results Section.