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Database Schema

* See Conventions for further information on the names of each folder and the names of all of the files in each folder.

The “Biomapper” folder contains 6 folders, one for each species whose distribution was modeled using Biomapper.  In the folders of each species, there are 3 files: 1) a .xls (Microsoft) file of the output from the ecological niche factor analysis by Biomapper (this output is not readily interpretable without understanding how Biomapper works [see References for Hirzel 2008]); 2) a .jpg file of a layout of the habitat suitability map from Biomapper (this map is readily interpretable); and 3) a .rst (IDRISI) file of the habitat suitability map from Biomapper that can be added as data to a map document in ArcMap for playing around with its properties.  The Biomapper folder also contains a .mxd (ArcGIS) file, which is a map document with the .rst files for each species already added.

The “egv” (ecogeographic variable) folder contains 5 folders, one for each of the processing and analysis steps followed for all of the predictor layers in Biomapper.  In the “egv_ascii” folder, there are 8 ASCII files (these files are very large, from 130 to 270 mb).  In the “egv_grid_gcs” folder, there are 65 GRID files.  In the “egv_grid_utm” folder, there are 73 GRID files.  In the “egv_grid_utm_mask” and “egv_idrisi_biomapper” folders, there are 78 files.  These 78 files are all of the possible predictor layers in Biomapper (only some of the predictor layers were used in Biomapper for each species).

The “sp” (species) folder contains 6 folders, one for each of the processing and analysis steps followed for all of the species layers in Biomapper.  In the “sp_shape” and “sp_grid_utm” folders, there are 7 files, one for each of the species and one for Ethiopia.  In the other 4 folders, there are 6 files, one for each of species layers.